Event Archives


AME Meeting - Measuring Emotion with Wearable Tech and Data Driven Approaches: Insights into Well-being and Health Behaviors with Natalia Van Doren

January 26, 2023
12 PM
AME Meeting - Measuring Emotion with Wearable Tech and Data Driven Approaches: Insights into Well-Being and Health Behaviors with Natalia Van Doren.  January 26th, 2023 

Dr. Elissa Epel and Dr. Elizabeth Blackburn: Stress, Resilience, And Healthy Aging at the Commonwealth Club

January 17, 2023
5:30 PM
Dr. Elissa Epel and Dr. Elizabeth Blackburn: Stress, Resilience, And Healthy Aging Does stress really age us? Everyone experiences different levels of stress from family, friends, work, or just uncertainty in the world. And while we can’t avoid living with stress, we can learn how to embrace it and transform it.

The Global Joy Summit

November 13, 2022
Sign up for free! The Global Joy Summit: Nov 13 - 16. Hear AME affiliated researchers at the Joy Summit, including Elissa Epel, postdoctoral fellow Darwin Guevarra, discuss Joy with Peggy Calahan, producer of Mission Joy Film. We will discuss the Big Joy Project: https://ggia.berkeley.edu/bigjoy.

Aric Prather: "How to get a good night's sleep" at the Commonwealth Club

November 7, 2022
6:00 PST
ARIC PRATHER: HOW TO GET A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP We all need sleep to survive. It is essential to our physical and mental wellbeing and just as important as food, water and oxygen. So why do so many of us struggle to get a good night’s rest?

Marion Nestle: The Journey of One Woman in Science and Policy

November 3, 2022
3:30 PM - 4:45 PM
Join us to discuss Marion Nestle's new memoir Slow Cooked!

“How Stress Can Speed or Slow Cellular Aging” at Harvard’s Herbert Benson Mind Body CME Conference

October 27, 2022
The Herbert Benson, MD Course in Mind Body Medicine will be held on October 27–29, 2022. You have the option to attend either online as the course is live streamed or in person in Boston, MA. Register Here    

AME Meeting - The High Stakes Pivotal Transition from Childhood into Adolescence with Dr. Ronald Dahl, PhD.

September 15, 2022
The High Stakes Pivotal Transition from Childhood into Adolescence: A Window of Opportunity for Early Intervention and Prevention with Dr. Ronald Dahl, 9/15/22.    

Advancing Research on Emotional Well-Being and Regulation of Eating

June 23, 2022
  Advancing Research on Emotional Well-Being and Regulation of Eating with Dr. Elissa Epel 

AME Meeting - Epigenetics of Stress and Aging: Mechanisms in Cells and Humans with Dr. Anthony Zannas, PhD.

April 7, 2022
AME Center Seminar- Epigenetics of Stress and Aging: Mechanisms in Cells and Humans with Dr. Anthony Zannas.  

AME Meeting - Life Course Socioeconomic Status and Health with Dr. Agus Surachman, PhD.

December 10, 2021
Life Course Socioeconomic Status and Health: Innovation and Exploration with Dr. Agus Surachman    
