AME Stories

AME Stories

Tips and Resources to cope with COVID-19 Challenges

March 13, 2020

Featured AME Researcher: Janet Wojcicki, PhD, MPH

January 07, 2020
Janet Wojcicki, PhD, MPH, is an Associate Professor of Pediatrics and AME Center Faculty at the University of California, San Francisco

Seasonal Self Care: Try this drink!

January 06, 2020
Golden Milk is an ayurvedic drink that is both anti-inflammatory, and nutritious, full of antioxidants. Enjoy this warming mix of milk or milk substitutes like almond or cashew, turmeric, and additional spices this season.  It can be sipped before bed and may offset the craving for something sweet!

New Sugared Drink Study Findings, The Science of Sugar Addiction, and What You Can Do

October 23, 2019
Almost 70% of Participants Saw a Decrease in Waist Size, as Average Sugary Drink Consumption Nearly Halved A workplace ban on the sale of sugar-sweetened beverages led to a 48.5 percent average reduction in their consumption and significantly less belly fat among 202 participants in a study by...

Is All Stress Created Equal? Dr. Alexandra Crosswell is Working to Help Researchers Better Define Stress

September 23, 2019
Is all stress created equal? The concept and experience of stress is multifaceted and varies depending on the context, making it particularly challenging for scientists to study. Over the past decade, AME researchers have conducted a variety of studies that aim to understand how psychological...

Dr. Danielle Roubinov finds links between maternal and early child mental health

September 18, 2019
Dr. Danielle Roubinov, PhD UCSF AME Center & CARE Lab How does a mother's mental health impact the future mental health of her children? 

AME Scientists Distill Healthy Eating Research to 12 Easy Steps

August 30, 2019
Share on Facebook or Twitter and tag us @UCSFAME to let us know what your favorite healthy eating tip is! 

Mindfulness as a Tool to Combat Stress and Overeating at UCSF

June 28, 2019
No time to prepare meals, or even to have a simple breakfast. Too many snacks during the day, and too much fatty and sugary food to relieve stress. Sound familiar? These are some of the most common comments that Rachel Radin, Ph.D., hears while helping individuals with their healthy eating goals.
