AME Stories

AME Stories

Epel and Colleagues Call for Transformative Changes in Behavioral Medicine to Meet the Climate Crisis

August 07, 2023
Transforming Behavioral Medicine to Address the Climate Crisis This paper is under review to be published as a BMRC statement simultaneously by the three Behavioral Medicine journals: Health Psychology, Psychosomatic Medicine, and Annals of Behavioral Medicine.

Society for Behavioral Medicine Policy Brief

August 03, 2023
Society for Behavioral Medicine Policy Brief

Wellness Drink of the Season: Fruit & Herb Infused Water

June 30, 2023
Be sure to stay hydrated this summer for optimal health!  Adequate hydration is crucial for our well-being, especially as the weather warms and heat waves become more common. Consider adding the following to your water pitcher to change things up and increase your daily intake:  

Featured AME Researcher: Katie Alegria, PhD.

June 25, 2023
Katie E. Alegria, PhD is a health psychologist and post-doctoral fellow at the University of California, San Francisco.

Does Your Vaccine Type Matter in the Battle Against COVID?

June 21, 2023
Age, Sex, BMI, Smoking Status Affect Antibody Response, Research Shows

Updated Information About Telomeres and Health in People

May 11, 2023
In light of a recent New York Times article,

Featured AME Researcher: Darwin A. Guevarra, PhD.

April 20, 2023
Darwin Guevarra, Ph.D., is a Postdoctoral Scholar with the Emotional Well-Being Network at University of California, San Francisco, with research interests in affect and affect regulation processes, and the implications they hold for well-being and health.

Featured AME Researcher: Danielle Roubinov, PhD.

December 21, 2022
Dr. Danielle Roubinov is an Associate Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at UNC and the director of the Child and Adolescent Mood and Anxiety Disorders Program (CHAAMP). 

From AME Researchers: Bidirectional Associations Between Maternal Depression and Behavioral Problems in Children

October 17, 2022
A recently published study from UCSF researchers Dr. Danielle Roubinov, Dr. Brian Don, Dr.
